Welcome to RC1’s Total Story Accelerator 

Total Story Accelerator is designed to walk alongside you with any new novel draft or revision, reviewing key elements of craft with checklists, worksheets, and tools you’ll need at specific points in your writing process to ensure a final draft that is READY for submission. Each module contains video interviews and a detailed written curriculum. Most lessons have downloadable worksheets to fill out, and many have free-writing prompts as well. While we don’t expect that every writer will need every tool for every single novel, they’ll be here when you need them!

Module 4: Scenes: The Building Blocks of Story

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Don’t forget the forums.

A key pillar of success for a writer is to get good at giving and receiving critique on your work. Should you choose to use the Peer Critique Forum, we’ve already got the system set up to welcome you. As you learn new tools and techniques in the program, pop on over to get Story Scores on the new scenes and chapters you’re writing, participate in contests, and make some friends for the journey ahead!