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Total Story Accelerator

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All of that for the price of a fancy salad? Seems like a no-brainer.

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Join Founding Author Fred Koehler and Literary Agent Joyce Sweeney in this jam-packed class filled with exclusive tools and techniques to ensure you’ve got a top 1% concept for your story that will hook the attention of industry gatekeepers.

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View your critique notes and Story Scores™ to see what’s great about your work and what might need a little polish. Revise with the confidence that comes from actionable feedback.

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The community decides which stories are READY to be pitched to agents and editors. We’re out to discover the next big thing and we are hoping it’st YOU

Publishing is an adventure. Don't go it alone.

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With advice from experienced writers and master classes taught by industry veterans. The more you learn and the harder you work, the sooner your work will be ready. 

Grow Your Writer Network

Through contests judged by acquiring editors and agents. Learn what they’re looking for in a manuscript and submit with confidence knowing you’ve made a personal connection.

Break the Rejection Cycle

Polish your story until it shines with the help of fellow writers on the same journey. Learn tricks of the trade for getting past the slush pile and into the eager hands of editors and agents.