RC1's Pro Writer Community combines the best practices of professional critique groups, mentorship, and master level fiction classes.

Together, we're helping writers at every stage of their publishing journey.

Rediscover a Passion for Writing

“I am excited to get back into writing, and RC1 is a great motivator for me to get off my arse and create.”

RC1 User

Level Up Your Storytelling Toolkit

“It’s a great platform. Has substantiallyimproved my writing with invaluable feedback.I highly recommend it.”

RC1 User
Pitch Contest Finalist


Hit Your Next Professional Milestone

“Honestly, I was in shock when we first talked on the phone, and I was offered representation. I am definitely basking in the achievement of this goal.”

~Jake Fluekiger
Total Story Accelerator Graduate
Represented by The Tobias Agency

Achieve the Ultimate Publishing Dream!

“We have an official launch date! CELEBRITY CRUSH will come out Feb. 11, 2025 from Hachette!”

~Christy Swift
Total Story Accelerator Graduate
Published Author

Community Makes ALL the Difference

The Small Business Administration (SBA) states that small businesses (including writing businesses) that receive mentoring or coaching have a 70% higher chance of surviving the critical first five years compared to those without mentoring support.

It might seem impossible to break in to an industry with a 99 percent rejection rate.

Especially when editors and agents receive FIVE TIMES the number of submissions they got 20 years ago and no longer have the time to send personalized feedback UNLESS they want to work with you. 

See if this sounds like you? The broken publishing system makes you feel like you’re in a Rejection Cycle your only choices are to keep trying with less and less hope or else give up altogether. 

Maybe you struggle with lack of confidence and self-sabotage as you feel like no one understands you or your story. You suffer from imposter syndrome when you see other writers achieving their dreams, adding to feelings of inadequacy and frustration .

It feels like your goal of becoming a published author will never happen.

What if there was a better way?

Imagine the following was true…

You know what readers love about your story, but also what you need to do to make it submission-ready.

You have every tool you need to level up your craft and address the deficits in your author toolkit.

You know when your story is ready because it achieves top scores from an entire community of professional writers.

Your queries go out to editors and agents you’ve met and who are excited to hear from you.

You have confidence in every element of your pitch package from first pages to synopsis to query letter.

You have an entire community cheering on your success and a built-in audience for your book when it sells.

Introducing the RC1 Pro Writer

A proven framework for helping writers like you become confident and equipped in your publishing pursuits, both creatively and in business.

Forget the frustration of having to figure it all out on your own!

Get a clear, simple roadmap to follow on your schedule, at your pace. There’s no getting behind and we’re here every step of the way.

Grow as a writer while you pitch, polish, and query your story alongside a supportive group of fellow authors on the same journey. Whether you like to work alone or with others, you’ll have the education and encouragement you need to break the Publishing Rejection Cycle and break into your new life as a published author.

What's inside the RC1 Pro Writer Community?

Thousands of dollars worth of transformational resources & connections…

The RC1 Pro Writer Community is a formidable group of laser-focused writers who are all working toward professional publishing goals. 

Our Membership includes 24/7 Access to:

  • The Writers Roadmap: A strategic journey toward publication, incorporating personalized tracking to keep your focus sharp.

  • RC1’s Writer Self-Assessment Tool: Allowing you to compare where you think you’re at on your journey, with the feedback you get from fellow writers. Use this as a personalized compass for honing skills on the road to publication.

  • Peer Critique Forum: Swap feedback In a safe, feedback-driven forum with other writers pursuing publication.

  • Story Scores: Our critique data aggregator that identifies what’s working well with your story and what needs revision.

  • Pro Level Forum Features: advanced tools and resources for professional writers who are actively submitting.

  • Total Story Accelerator: Designed in collaboration with Fiction University, the Total Story Accelerator is a master class series providing exclusive tools, e-learning classes, and resources, propelling writers toward a finished novel poised for successful publication.

  • Exclusive Editor and Agent Challenges: These monthly contests connect top scoring writers directly with industry professionals, providing a fast lane for exposure and consideration in the competitive publishing world.

  • First Page Editor and Agent Sessions: Providing direct access to editorial insights, these sessions offer writers a chance to showcase their work, receiving valuable feedback that accelerates their path to publication.

  • Exclusive Submission Tools: Streamlining the submission process, we’ve built exclusive tools to empower writers with efficient and tailored methods to submit their work, saving time and increasing their chances of getting published.

  • MUCH MORE: Committed to innovation, Ready Chapter 1 continuously designs and provides an array of tools, methods, and opportunities, ensuring writers have every resource at their disposal to swiftly advance on their journey to publication.

Upcoming Events

Get 24/7 feedback in our Peer Critique Forum.

Built by writers for writers, RC1’s 24/7 feedback exchange is designed to help any writer at any level fine-tune their story and grow as a writer, all in a supportive peer review environment with cool data analytics we call Story Scores™. 

Make your best shot even better with
Total Story Accelerator.

Developed in collaboration with Janice Hardy’s Fiction University, RC1’s Total Story Accelerator is a master class series laser-focused on helping you create a finished novel poised for publishing sales. These exclusive tools exist nowhere else and offer everything you need to polish, pitch, and sell your novel to a traditional publisher. 

This package alone sells for $1250, but we decided that it needs to be included in your membership plan for a simple reason. The feedback and mentorship offered through our community won’t be as helpful if you don’t have the tools to improve your writing. Put differently, we can’t fulfill our promise to you if we’re holding anything back. That’s why, inside Total Story Accelerator, you’ll find:

  • 10 exclusive e-Learning master classes on critical elements of craft
  • 20+ hours of video training and interviews
  • 270+ pages of workbooks
  • 70+ printable worksheets
  • 24/7 peer feedback and curriculum Q&A through our Peer Critique Forum

Every tool you need, all in one place.

To get every tool you’ll need to succeed in publishing, you can easily spend $10,000 per project with NO promise of any results. We built Ready Chapter 1 to offer the same value as all of these expensive methods at a price point that working writers can afford. Why spends so much on one or two chances to pitch a single story when you could have access all year long for as many stories as you write, all for less than the cost of attending a single conference?

You could easily pay $10K 🙁


1X Independent Editor……………….$5,000

2X Conference registration…………$1200

2X Airfare…………………………………..$600

4X Uber………………………………………$400

12X Meals…………………………………..$600

4X Hotel……………………………………$1,200

1X College Writing Course………….$1,500

Online Master classes…………………$400

Or Join RC1 Pro! 🙂


24/7 Peer Critique Community………………..Included

Monthly Editor / Agent Activities…………….Included

Total Story Accelerator master classes……Included

Access to Professional Writer Network……Included

Q&A with Published Staff Authors…………..Included

Airfare and Travel………………………………Not needed

Choose your membership plan.

We offer 2 different RC1 Pro membership plans for your convenience: monthly and annual. Both plans offer immediate access to the entire suite of program resources including Total Story Accelerator. And for those who are just looking for the Story Accelerator without the community features, it is available as a standalone purchase.

Some Simple Membership Math…
If you’ve gotten this far and still think there’s a quick and easy path to a six-figure book deal, we’re sorry to disappoint you. Serious writers know they have to invest in education and networking continually UNTIL the book and the author are both READY. The good news is that RC1 Pro has every tool you need to polish, pitch, and ultimately land that big book contractWhile it would be easy to spend $10,000 a year on these same tools and features, we’re offering them for less than the cost of one single conference. Enrolling is a no-brainer.

☝️ Before you click, let's do a final gut check.

While we would hate to turn away money, we don’t want anyone to sign up for RC1 Pro who isn’t genuinely committed to getting their story ready to pitch to publishers in a community setting. Your success depends on YOU: 

  • Putting in the time with the Total Story Accelerator curriculum
  • Participating regularly in the forums
  • Polishing your pages and pitch package till they’re pitch-perfect
  • Participating in as many publisher challenges as possible

Publishing is competitive, and you’ll need a top 1% story to make it through. The more work you put in, the sooner you’ll get there! Gut officially checked? Let’s go! 

Deep down, every writer wants to know their life and writing can make a meaningful impact on the world. Ready Chapter 1 can help.

There's no need to go it alone.

Writers are, by nature, solitary creatures. But it takes a community of writers (aka a ‘talent pool’) to get agents and editors to show up and take notice. As a member of RC1’s Pro Writer Community, you get unlimited access to:

  • Members Only forums where you’ll feel supported and encouraged every step of the way on your journey. This is your place to thrive!
  • Query and synopsis critiques to make sure your pitch package is pitch perfect.
  • Members only contests where top-scoring members win agent critiques.
  • Live first pages readings where you’ll learn what sparks a gatekeeper’s curiosity out of dozens of manuscripts. 
  • Exclusive publishing insights and opportunities as publishers approach us to find the types of stories they’re searching for.
  • A ginormous group of writers who respect your journey and want you to win! 

As a member of RC1's Pro Writer Community, you will:

  • Clarify your writing purpose and vision, empowering you to pursue your publishing goals with confidence and conviction.

  • Overcome self-doubt, telling stories only YOU can tell by aligning your unique authorial Voice with the principles of successful storytelling.

  • Generate captivating story concepts, crafting ideas that resonate with audiences and publishers alike.

  • Create memorable and impactful characters that linger in readers’ minds.

  • Craft suspenseful plots, infusing your narratives with conflict and tension.

  • Learn the building blocks of novel writing, using successful scene structure to shape your stories.

  • Master the art of dialogue, moving your story forward through the words and thoughts of your characters.

  • Build immersive story worlds, developing environments that enhance the richness and depth of your narratives.

  • Perfect your manuscript through revision, honing every sentence until the story is READY.

  • Navigate the path to publication, learning the essentials of successful querying in the competitive publishing landscape.

  • And much, much more.

See what users are saying about Ready Chapter 1

How to know if RC1 Pro is right for you:

We want every writer to join RC1’s Pro Writer Community because it’s been proven to be life-changing. But not everyone will benefit from this program.

Who should wait:

❌ Currently not in a season of life where there is a genuine focus on advancing writing skills and achieving literary goals.

❌ Not ready to commit to actively pursuing writing seriously in a community.

❌ Not willing to invest time and effort in advancing personal and professional growth as a writer.

❌ Unwilling to make changes in schedule or lifestyle to accommodate the writing journey.

❌ Resistant to trying new writing techniques, breaking unhealthy mindsets, or adapting to positive writing habits.

❌ Expecting instant success or searching for magic solutions rather than embracing the continuous journey of writing development.

❌ Uninterested in actively participating in a global community of writers or learning to become a good critique partner. 

❌ Unwilling to receive input from experienced mentors or contribute positively to the growth of fellow community members.

❌ Seeking get-rich-quick schemes or expecting rapid financial success without recognizing the dedication required for a sustainable writing career.

Who would benefit:

✅ In a season of life where you are genuinely focused on advancing your writing skills and achieving your literary goals.

✅ Committed to dedicating time and effort to enhance your skills and contribute to a writing community.

✅ Recognize the value of continuous learning and improvement as a writer.

✅ Open to trying new writing techniques, breaking unhealthy mindsets, and fostering positive writing habits.

✅ Understand that writing success is a journey and not an overnight phenomenon.

✅ Not seeking quick fixes or magic pills but willing to invest time and effort to grow as a writer.

✅ Willing to invest in your writing journey by actively participating in a global community of writers.

✅ Ready to receive input from experienced mentors and fellow community members.

✅ Have a genuine desire to thrive as a writer and contribute positively to the growth of others.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that RC1’s methodology is a transformative process for those who do the work. 

That’s why the program comes with a full money-back guarantee for annual subscriptions. If you complete the Total Story Accelerator curriculum and post weekly in the forums for six months and see NO INCREASE in your Story Scores, simply request a full refund. It’s that easy. Monthly subscriptions are not eligible for refunds but may be canceled at any time, no contract, no hassle.

I’m Fred Koehler, Founder of RC1

This community was born out of the pandemic when I asked all of my writer friends what they needed to progress their careers. The overwhelming response was twofold: Education and Opportunity. The solution we envisioned is a feedback exchange platform with a complete storytelling curriculum and a roadmap to publishing success that includes access to industry gatekeepers for stories that are ready.

In all my years as a published author, I’d never seen a program that provides every tool you’ll need at the key moments you’ll need them in the writing, polishing, and pitching process. Well, not till now. So here we go, on an adventure. Are you READY?

Get Started Today!

RC1 offers two different Pro membership plans for your convenience: monthly and annual. Both plans offer immediate access to the entire suite of program resources including Total Story Accelerator. And for those who are just looking for the Story Accelerator without the community features, it is available as a standalone purchase.a

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the story behind Ready Chapter 1?
RC1 was envisioned when COVID shut down a local in-person writers’ group led by award-winning author / illustrator Fred Koehler. Not wanting to leave his fellow writers hanging, Fred asked them what they felt would be most helpful. The results of those conversations led to what we have now!

For whom is the Pro Writer Community intended?
This program is designed for novelists and storytellers intending to pitch their stories to traditional publishers and beyond. Our Total Story Accelerator curriculum is built to move along with you as you revise a novel or a write something new. A perfect student would come with the seed of an idea, ready to grow it into a fully fledged novel and pitch package. 

What if I self-publish or use a hybrid publishing model?
Feedback and education are both critical tools for every writer, including indie authors. You may even find out that a traditional publishing route is in the cards after all.

What if I write JUST for kids and teens?
You’re in the right place. Our forum has a section for you and our faculty members have extensive experience in the children’s market.

What if I write JUST for adults?
You’re still in the right place. Many of our faculty members write / edit / acquire for the adult market as well. And because great storytelling transcends genre, these tools can be valuable whether you write pre-teen friendship stories or futuristic zombie romance.

What if I write picture books?
We would love to say that picture book writers would benefit from the Pro Writer Community, but only some of the subject matter would be relevant.

Can I participate if I’m a high school student?
Per the terms of our platform, anyone under 18 must have a parent’s permission to participate. We recommend students be at least 16. Explicit content goes against our community standards, but there may be discussions of romance writing that are physical in nature or action scenes that contain violence.

Will I be able to query my book to faculty members?
Our acquiring editors and agents are generally open to submissions, but that’s not the point of RC1. We hope that you’ll use the opportunity to learn and grow as a writer, especially using the feedback from our forum as part of your plan to find the perfect agents or editors to query–not just the ones on faculty.

Will I be offered a publishing deal through this program?
The RC1 faculty includes acquiring editors and agents, but there is no guarantee that they will be interested in representing or acquiring your story. If an agent or editor from the program is interested in your story, they will reach out to you individually and independently.

I am having trouble logging on. What do I do?
Contact us at team (at) readychapter1 (dot) com. We’ll get you sorted.

Can I get more involved with Ready Chapter 1? 
Contact us at team (at) readychapter1 (dot) com for current volunteer opportunities.

See ya on the bestseller list!

Build Your Author Toolkit

The more you learn, the quicker your work will be ready. Every RC1 class is laser-focused on preparing your story / manuscript for publication.

Grow Your Writer Network

Through contests judged by acquiring editors and agents. Learn what they’re looking for in a manuscript and submit with confidence knowing you’ve made a personal connection.

Break the Rejection Cycle

Polish your work in progress until it shines. Then, learn tricks of the trade for getting past the slush pile and into the eager hands of editors and agents.