We hope you're READY to dive in to our Peer Critique Forum. Follow these steps to kickstart your journey.

1. Make sure you're logged in.

If you JUST signed up, you should be logged in already. You can, however, use this link to update your account, change your avatar, etc.

If you are not logged in, the link will ask for your email. RC1 uses a single login to access both our forums and education suite. To prevent any password or access problems, everything works with a login token sent to your email. Here’s how it works:

  1. Click the yellow “Log In or Update Your Account” button.
  2. Enter the email address you used to sign up and press submit. Our system will send you a login link through email. 
  3. Open your email in the same browser where you want to use RC1. 
  4. Once you click the link in your email, you’ll be automatically signed in to everything in your purchase plan. RC1 should keep you logged in automatically, but every time you manually log out you’ll need to repeat this process. 

2. Explore the forums.

Our 24/7 feedback exchange is designed to help any writer at any level fine-tune their story and grow as a writer. These videos will show you how get started.

The forums are a great place to practice pitching; as well as giving and receiving feedback. The more you polish BEFORE you send your work out on submission, the more you’ll improve your chances. Remember, we’re a GIVE FIRST community, which means you’re giving feedback to others before posting your own work.

Lastly, our contests and challenges are also held in the forums. We’re actively creating new ways for writers to get discovered and we’ll keep you updated on any current opportunities. 

On your first visit to the forum, you may still need to click the Log In button, even if you’re already signed in. (You won’t need to sign in again.)

Forums Overview

Giving Your First Critique

Creating Your First Post

3. Holler if you need a hand.

Our team works regular business hours, and we’re on call during weekend contests. Shoot us a message at team at readychapter1.com for the quickest possible response. You can also reach out through the site feedback category in the forum or visit our tips and tricks page for more how-to videos. 

Build Your Author Toolkit

The more you learn, the quicker your work will be ready. Every RC1 class is laser-focused on preparing your story / manuscript for publication.

Grow Your Writer Network

Through contests judged by acquiring editors and agents. Learn what they’re looking for in a manuscript and submit with confidence knowing you’ve made a personal connection.

Break the Rejection Cycle

Polish your work in progress until it shines. Then, learn tricks of the trade for getting past the slush pile and into the eager hands of editors and agents.